Saturday 15 September 2018

An Open Letter to the People Who Have Accused Me of Lying About My Illness

I want to put this blog out as an "open letter" to anyone who has ever accused someone of lying about having an illness. I myself have been judged, countless times, both online and in real life, and the thing is it's hard enough when people who don't understand what it's like accuse you and judge you but when other people who have chronic illness as their real
ity judge you, that's a whole different story. So here is my open letter.

To the people who accused me of lying about my chronic illnesses,
                                                                                                           You have no idea what you have done, you have no idea how you have made me feel. My chronic illnesses are something which make me feel horribly insecure and you have picked apart my insecurities and picked on my weaknesses.

Why must you do it?
What gives you the right to say I am faking what is wrong with me?

We're all different, every single person is different, our bodies function in different ways and our bodies work in different ways, even if you take 2 people with chronic illnesses, even 2 people with the exact same illness, those 2 people are not going to experience things exactly the same way, what we experience is unique to us and for you to say I am faking what is wrong with me because my story and/or symptoms don't correlate with someone else's or because my story doesn't "add up", what gives you the right?

What did you believe you were going to achieve by putting me down and embarrassing me in front of
Did you think it made you the "bigger person"?
Did you think it would make you "more liked" by everyone else?
Did you think it would be fun to call me names and rip me apart?

You know what I did when I found out you believed that I was lying? I broke down, I burst into tears and I broke down because I am already insecure as it is and you went and insisted on making that a great deal more difficult to deal with.

My battle with chronic illness is not something I'm "ashamed" of and that is why I talk about it to the extent I do. I talk about my journey so that other people maybe don't feel as alone in fighting their own battle if they know someone else is going through similar/some of the same things as they are, I don't talk about it to gain
"negative attention and/or feedback" from other people, I don't talk about to gain sympathy from other people who hear of my journey. Everybody has different ways of coping with things and one of my ways is talking about things, that is what helps me get through difficult times so well, as the old saying goes "a problem shared is a problem halved". Yes I know I post a lot about my battle with chronic illnesses and yes I know I put my life out on the internet but that does not give you the right to pick at me, to call me names, and to make me feel tiny and small.

The thing is it wasn't even just one snarky remark I could have maybe have laughed away as someone not understanding you proceeded to pick apart every single piece of my story and continually let me know where things didn't "add up", you made me paranoid that horrific things had happened i.e. someone had spoken with my medical team or someone had even had access to my medical records, I believe this was just a personal vendetta against me in attempt to make me feel like I constantly had to look over my shoulder, I believe you wanted me to now spend my life living in fear, however, to this day, a the thought that you could be
speaking the truth niggles away at me and leaves me feeling scared and paranoid.

Even now, I do get scared, I feel fear posting things online that someone may start attacking me for no reason, I get scared when people send me any sort of questions now as I feel they're asking me things in an attempt to "catch me out", that someone is going to judge me, or someone's going to accuse me of lying, or just to get information about me to use against me.

I think one of the issues is most people that spend their time making such accusations against other people, they don't have any sort of idea what it feels like to have your own health conditions and journey used against you in such a harsh and horrific way. I think the only way you can come close to understanding what it's like to be accused of lying about something that you spend nearly every waking moment wishing was a lie.

I'd love to be healthy, I'd love to have not missed out on so many different things in life as a result of my health issues and I'd absolutely love to not have had to have given up countless things as a the result of my health. I hope by raising awareness of what it's like to go through being accused of lying about ill health can help bring to light how difficult such things can be for a person fighting a battle and also to show it's really not alright to go out and accuse people.

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